Register for Connect

To register as a parent or carer of a student at Holy Cross, your child must have notified the college of your e-mail address when they applied, or at enrolment.

If they did not do this, or you have changed e-mail address since it was recorded, your child can update the e-mail address through their College My View student portal in the Connect Access section. This change is immediate so you should then be able to register.

Enter your email address and a new password below - you will use these details in the future to log-in to Connect. Your password must meet the following criteria:

  • Your password needs to be at least 8 characters long and preferably much longer: longer passwords are more difficult for hackers to guess.
  • Passwords should not be guessable, eg: don’t include any names of family members, dates of birth, etc.
  • You should include at least one capital letter and digit. For example, a combination of 3 words and a digit would be a secure password.
  • Please ensure that the password you choose is not used for any other websites and is not shared with anyone else.
  • Do not write down or record your password anywhere other than in secure password management software.

Your E-Mail:
Create a Password:
Repeat Password:

Already registered? Click here to Log In.